February 17 – 22 / MANIFESTUS residenza / spazioK / Prato (IT)
March 6 / DANSE MACABRE! / Teatro L. Betti / Casalecchio di Reno (IT)
March 18 / DANSE MACABRE! / Teatro R. Sanzio / Urbino (IT)
April 17 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES/ Teatro Nuovo / Napoli (IT)
April 25-27 / Workshop Framing / Corpi Smossi / Polignano a Mare (BA)
May 9 / MANIFESTUS primo studio / e se ci entrassi dentro? / Centro Pecci Prato (IT)
July 25 / DANSE MACABRE!/ Centrale Fies Dro (IT)
August 30 / MANIFESTUS premiere / OperaEstate Festival / Bassano del Grappa (IT)
September 18-19 / MANIFESTUS / Fabbrica Europa Festival / Firenze (IT)
September 26 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / MilanOltre Festival / Milano (IT)
September 27 / MANIFESTUS / MilanOltre Festival / Milano (IT)
October 3-4 / MANIFESTUS / FuoriMargine / Cagliari (IT)
October 11 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Teatro alla Cartiera / Rovereto (IT)
October 24 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Teatro Grande / Brescia (IT)
November 7 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Teatro Mascagni / Chiusi (IT)
January 13 / CHOREOGRAPHING RAPPERS / Spazio Kor / Asti (IT)
January 21-22/ SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / La Danza che Muove / Arezzo (IT)
February 2-3 / DANSE MACABRE! / Tanzhaus nrw / Düsseldorf (DE)
February 4 / talk on DANSE MACABRE Soavis LIVING ROOM (Köln) / Tanzmuseum des Deutschen Tanzarchivs
February 13-14 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Festival Temporada Alta / Lima (PERÙ)
April 13 / DANSE MACABRE! / Teatro Comunale / Vicenza (IT)
May 23 / DANSE MACABRE! / Interplay Festival / Torino (IT)
June 14 / HERE AND NOW / durational performance / Museo MAXXI Roma (IT)
June 28 / DANSE MACABRE! / Festival Inequilibrio / Castiglioncello (IT)
July 4 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Teatro Sociale Gualtieri
July 10-11 / DÉSIR MIMÉTIQUE / .MOV Roma
July 15-19 / workshop Framing: a dialogue b/w dance and the camera / Dance Italia Lucca
September 19 / DANSE MACABRE! / CONNECT – Contemporary Dance Festival / Craiova (RO)
September 20 / DANSE MACABRE! short film / premiere / Ibrida Festival (IT)
sept 30 – oct 6 / HANDS research LAB / Tuscania (IT)
October 9 / DANSE MACABRE! / NID Platform / Vicenza (IT)
November 5 / DANSE MACABRE! / Teatro Kismet / Bari (IT)
November 15 / DANSE MACABRE! / Teatro Morlacchi / Perugia (IT)
November 21 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Dantzaldia / Bilbao (ES)
February 4 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Guidance Festival / Guimarães (PT)
February 21-26 / residency for DANSE MACABRE! (new production) / MAD – Murate Art District Firenze (IT)
March 21/ SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Belgrade Dance Festival / Belgrade (SRB)
May 8-13 / residency for DANSE MACABRE! (new production) / SpazioK Prato (IT)
May 14-18 / residency for DANSE MACABRE! (new production) / Centrale Fies (IT)
June 1 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Primavera dei Teatri / Castrovillari (IT)
June 10 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Cádiz en Danza / Cádiz (ES)
June 16-17 / IF, IF, IF, THEN / Festa della Danza / Roma (IT)
June 20 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / TANEC PRAHA festival / Pardubice (CZ)
June 21 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / TANEC PRAHA festival / Praha (CZ)
June 23 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / TANEC PRAHA festival / Brno (CZ)
August 21-27 / residency for DANSE MACABRE! / Fabrik Potsdam Berlin
September 2-3 / CHE COSA SI PROVA AD ESSERE UN PIPISTRELLO? Jacopo Jenna & Bienoise / Campo Base Festival (IT)
September 19-26 / residency for DANSE MACABRE! / La Maison danse Uzès Gard Occitanie
October 7-8 / (DIS)playing MEMORY workshop + screening video / Bassano del Grappa (IT)
October 14 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / APP – Ascoli Piceno Present (IT)
October 16-22 / residency for DANSE MACABRE! / Santarcangleo dei Teatri (IT)
October 27-28 / DANSE MACABRE! premiere / Danae Festival / Teatro OUT OFF Milano (IT)
November 18-19 / DANSE MACABRE! / La Democrazia del Corpo Festival / Cango Firenze (IT)
November 23 / HERE AND NOW / durational performance / Strozzina Palazzo Strozzi Firenze
December 14-15 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / YPAM – Yokohama International Performing Arts Meeting (JP)
March 15-27 / Found Choreographies / 40° FIFA – Festival International du Film sur l’art di Montreal
April 2-3 / Copy, Transform, Combine / laboratorio per bambini / Ricreazione Mappa Mondi / Mattatoio Roma
April 28 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Aerowaves Twenty22 / Elefsina Greece
May 13 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Nid Platform / Salerno
May 24 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Festival Interplay / Torino
June 18 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Festival Danza Estate / Bergamo
August 18 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / B-Motion festival / Bassano del Grappa
September 16 / FOUND CHOREOGRAPHIES /screening video → Ibrida Festival Forlì
September 17 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Performative 02 / L’Aquila
September 21-22 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Gender Bender / Bologna
October 2 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Moisai 2022. Voci contemporanee in Domus Aurea / Roma
October 6-7 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Tanzhaus nrw / Düsseldorf
October 12 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Spanski Borci Cultural Centre / Ljubljana
October 15 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Teatro Ponchielli / Cremona
October 27-28 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Autunno danza Teatro Ten / Nuoro
October 29 / FOUND CHOREOGRAPHIES / screening video → Burgenländische Tanztage Eisenstadt
November 4 / Désir Mimétique educational project / Festival della Peste / Milano
November 6 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / TTV Festival / Riccione
November 11 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Fondazione Nazionale della danza Aterballetto / Fonderie Reggio Emilia
December 3 / FOUND CHOREOGRAPHIES / screening video Mashup Film Festival Paris
December 5-15 / residency new production DANSE MACABRE / Tanzhaus nrw / Düsseldorf
February 19 / FOUND CHOREOGRAPHIES / OGR Art Corner | Meet the Artwork
26 March – 29 July / 3° Maratona di Visione [Rassegna Online di Videoarte]
June 10-11 / SOUNDS OF GAIA performance site specific in collaboration with Threes / FAROUT Festival / BASE Milano
July 12-18 / BODY SCORES laboratorio per ragazzi 15-17 anni / Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci / Prato
September 13-25 / FuoriMargine progetto a sostegno della creatività giovanile/ Festival Autunno Danza / Cagliari
2-3 October / IF, IF, IF, THEN / Fabbrica Europa Festival / Firenze
6-10 October / IF, IF, IF, THEN (Expanded version) / Mudam Performance Season: The Illusion of the End / Luxemburg
23 October / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Danae Festival / Milano
20-21 November / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / La Democrazia del Corpo / Cango Firenze
6-9 December / Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery / Moscow Museum of Modern Art
in the field of “Choreographies of Time. A Six-Step Survey” a project by Susanne Franco
January 25 – May 10 / 2° Maratona di Visione [Rassegna Online di Videoarte]
February 10-15 / residency for new production SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES in collaboration with Ramona Caia and Roberto Fassone / spazioK Prato
March 25 / CHOREOGRAPHING RAPPERS / Palazzo dell Esposizioni – Rassegna 4 performances / Roma –> CANCELLED
May 6-16 / LO SPETTACOLO PIÙ BELLO DEL MONDO / online workshop with Marco D’Agostin / Teatro Stabile del Veneto
June 20-21 / IF, IF, IF, THEN / Fabbrica Europa Festival / Firenze –> CANCELLED
June 30 – July 5 / residency for new production SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Mattatoio – Progetto PrendersiCura / Rome
July 9 / PERCEPTION IN ACTION – workshop @ Dance for Dance by Attivisti della danza / Manifattura Tabacchi / Florence
July 31 – 1 August / premiere SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES in collaboration with Ramona Caia and Roberto Fassone / Centrale Fies XL Festival / Dro
Spetember 11-12-13 / Désir Mimétique educational project / Festival Short Theatre / Rome
September 12-13 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Festival Short Theatre / Rome
October 1-11 / progetto fuorimargine / Festival Autunno Danza / Cagliari
October 11 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Festival Autunno Danza / Cagliari
November 6-7 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / Danae Festival / Milano –> CANCELLED
November 15 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES / La Democrazia del Corpo / Cango Firenze –> CANCELLED
Nov-Dec 2020 Jan 2021 / Homescores online choreography workshop / Unive Teatro Ca’ Foscari Venezia
December 16 / SOME CHOREOGRAPHIES FILM by Jacopo Jenna & Roberto Fassone / DanaeInOnda
March 9 / Wash Up – Jacopo Jenna + DJ Myke / Santarcangelo dei Teatri
April 6 / INCONTRO Bassam Abou Diab & Jacopo Jenna / BIPOD Festival / Beirut
April 12-13-14 / IF, IF, IF, THEN / DoDisturb / Palais de Tokyo / Paris
April 27 / CHOREOGRAPHING RAPPERS / Ibrida Festival / Forlì
May 7 / TALK SHOW SOTTERRANEO incontra Jacopo Jenna / Fabbrica Europa / Firenze
May 12 / Sharing Practices with YU YANAN / Fabbrica Europa / Firenze
May 18 / PERCEPTION IN ACTION Open workshop / Palazzo Grassi – Punta della Dogana / Venezia
May 23 / INCONTRO Bassam Abou Diab & Jacopo Jenna / Chantiers d’Europe / Théâtre de la Ville / Paris
May 27-31 / NOBODY’S INDISCIPLINE / open-source platform for the sharing of artistic practices in the Performing Arts / Milano
June 10-22 / Crossing the Sea project / artistic residency Seoul Institute of the Arts / Korea
June 29-30 / BODY OH BOY NOBODY / by Jacopo Miliani performed by Jacopo Jenna / MO.CO Montpellier Contemporain
July 5 / MÍMĒMA performance with a group of young dance students / Vignale Monferrato Festival
26 august – 5 september / ALCUNE COREOGRAFIE new production / artistic residency / Centrale Fies – Dro
October 26 / IF, IF, IF, THEN / Danae Festival / Pac – Padiglione arte contemporanea / Milano
November 21 / BODY SCORES / performance workshop / Palazzo Grassi – Punta della Dogana / Venezia
November 25-30 / Désir Mimétique educational project / Centrale Fies (Dro) / Enfant Terrible
December 4 / METACINEMA conferenza sulla video danza a cura di Piero Deggiovanni / Accademie di Belle Arti Università degli studi di Bologna
February 1-9 / Désir Mimétique research project / RicercaX / Lavanderia a Vapore / Torino
March 3 / Désir Mimétique workshop for kids 8-10 years old / Muoviti muoviti! / Palazzo Grassi Punta della Dogana / Venezia
April 10-20 / artistic residency with Bassam Abou Diab / BIPOD Festival / Beirut
April 18 / CHOREOGRAPHING RAPPERS / BIPOD Festival / Beirut
May 7-12 / artistic residency New Production IF, IF, IF, THEN / Palazzina Ex Fabbri / Firenze
May 12 / screening video QUADRI by Jacopo Jenna feat Marina Giovannini / Ibrida Festival delle Arti Intermediali / Forlì
May 15-22 / artistic residency with Bassam Abou Diab / Palazzina Ex Fabbri / Firenze
May 23+25 / INCONTRO Bassam Abou Diab & Jacopo Jenna / Fabbrica Europa / Firenze
June 7 / Wrap My Words Around You / Bed Talks / The Student Hotel / Firenze
June 9-20 / artistic residency New Production IF, IF, IF, THEN / Centrale Fies / Dro (TN)
June 22 / COME AS YOU ARE / CROSS Festival / Teatro il Maggiore / Verbania Intra
July 25-26 / premiere new Production IF, IF, IF, THEN / SUPERCONTINENT ²/ Drodesera XXXVIII / Centrale Fies Dro (TN)
August 30 / BODY OH BOY NOBODY / by Jacopo Miliani in collaborazione con Jacopo Jenna / Code Art Fair / Copenhagen
September 6 / IF, IF, IF, THEN / Festival Short Theatre / Roma
september 16-22 / Désir Mimétique / DANCE ALL YEAR LONG / Odense / Denmark
October 9-12 / Désir Mimétique / Autunno Danza – Sardegna Teatro – Festival Tuttestorie / Cagliari
October 13 / COME AS YOU ARE studio version / Autunno Danza / Cagliari
October 23-24 / Désir Mimétique / Centrale Fies (Dro) / Enfant Terrible
November / #ÈSOLOUNMEME / project with teenager between video and performance / Palazzo Grassi Punta della Dogana / Venezia
December 14 / INCONTRO Bassam Abou Diab & Jacopo Jenna / Festival Dansem / Marseille
January 29 / performing in Unofficial Real Good Time by Kinkaleri / Jonathan Burrows/Matteo Fargion & guests: Hysterical Furniture / Circolo Ufficiali Bologna
February 18 / STASH / site specific performance in collaboration with Moallaseconda / Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci / Prato
February 20-2 March / Residency Kunstencentrum BUDA Courtrai-Belgium / news research project with Camilla Monga and Luca Scapellato
March 26 / performing tRrr by Kinkaleri / Museo MAXXI_European Alternatives / Roma
April 2 / performing in No Title Yet by Kinkaleri and Jacopo Benassi / Rassegna Fisiko! Fuori Luogo / La Spezia
April 17-22 / NOBODY’S INDISCIPLINE /open-source platform for the sharing of artistic practices in the Performing Arts / Milano
May 20 / CHOREOGRAPHING RAPPERS / Festival Fabbrica Europa / Firenze
May 28 / PRACTICES EXCHANGE AND MEETING with Bassam Abou Diab | Hamdi Dridi | Jacopo Jenna / Festival Fabbrica Europa / Firenze
June 1 / Désir mimétique a project for kids on the relationship between images and use of the body / promoted by Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi in collaboration by Lycée Victor Hugo Firenze
May 30 – June 1 / performing in No Title Yet by Kinkaleri and Jacopo Benassi / Milano Triennale
June 7-16 / Artistic residency for COME AS YOU ARE / Centrale Fies / Dro (TN)
June 21-22 / Real Good Time | All! by Kinkaleri / Athens and Epidaurus Festival / Greece
July 28 / COME AS YOU ARE / Supercontinent Festival Drodesera XXXVII / Centrale Fies / Dro (TN)
September 22 / COME AS YOU ARE / Contemporanea Festival / Prato
October 13 / BODY OH BOY NOBODY / by Jacopo Miliani in collaborazione con Jacopo Jenna / 40° sopra La Performance / Palazzo Magnani / Bologna
October 19 / REFRAMING (site specific project) / Festival La Democrazia del Corpo / Cango / Firenze
November 30 / CHOREOGRAPHING RAPPERS / Festival Natura Dèi Teatri / Parma
December 2 / dance session on HÍBRIDOS IMMERSIVE A/V RITUAL / MASH Festival / Milano
December 4-8 / NOBODY’S BODY / open-source platform for the sharing of artistic practices in the Performing Arts / Prato
April 16-17 / INCOMPRENSIBILE / Stanze Segrete project (choreographic creation for young dancers, 10-12 years old) / Cango Centro di produzione nazionale per la danza / Firenze
April 18-22 / NOBODY’S INDISCIPLINE /open-source platform for the sharing of artistic practices in the Performing Arts / Milano
May 5 / BODY OH BOY NOBODY / performance for Jacopo Miliani editorial project Self Pleasure Publishing / Riviera Bookshop / Istituto Svizzero Milano
May 6 / GAMELAN / temporary project for choreographic research, created by Michele Di Stefano, Cristina Rizzo and Fabrizio Favale / Fabbrica Europa / Firenze
June 21 / 13 OBJECTS by Camilla Monga / choreographic collaboration Jacopo Jenna/ Biennale Danza Venezia
June 28-29 / EFFETTO KULEŠOV / Family project (choreographic creation for a family) / Cango – Centro di produzione nazionale per la danza / Firenze
July 26 / I WISH I COULD DANCE LIKE M. J. / LIVE WORKS Performance Act Award Vol.4 / Centrale Fies / Dro
October 15 / OGGETTO / site specific performance at Mart – Museo d’arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto in collaboration with Centrale Fies (Dro)
December 2 / COME AS YOU ARE (new production) / Festival La Democrazia del Corpo / Cango – Centro di produzione nazionale per la danza / Firenze
December 4 / HERE WE ARE NOW, ENTERTAIN US (site specific project) / Festival La Democrazia del Corpo / Cango – Centro di produzione nazionale per la danza / Firenze